Fill form below for Committees to Volunteer and/or Chair.
5TH/6TH GRADE SOCIAL: A fun night for the kids with music and sports. They will be able to dance in the Cafeteria or play ball in the Gym. Chairs will book a DJ, organize chaperones and ask for donations of snacks.
APPRECIATION DAYS: Teachers/Staff - Chairs/committee organizes and implements a week long celebration with little gifts in mailboxes and luncheon during Staff and Teacher Appreciation Week in May; recruits volunteers to assist.
BEAUTIFICATION: Decorating the inside and outside of school on a monthly basis.
BOOK FAIR: Chair/committee organizes the annual book fair; prepares and distributes flyers for email blast and Friday folder; acquires volunteers for the sale days (usually 4); organizes the setup and clean up.
CLASS PARENT SELECTION/MEMBERSHIP: Chair/committee selects class mothers by lottery of who is eligible; keeps class mothers informed about changes in student information; registers and promotes FSA membership; coordinates FSA membership drive; communicates with class parents in fundraising efforts.
CLOTHES FOR CASH: Chair/committee organizes two used clothing drives; arranges donations and pick-ups; prepares and creates notices for email blast and Friday folder; contacts vendors, local newspaper and Cedar Grove channel for publicity.
CULTURAL ARTS: Chair/committee organizes assemblies for the students. Works with the Vice-Principal to bring in a program for each grade.
DIRECTORY: Chair/committee organizes information for the school directory for distribution at Open House. (This is done over the summer months). Chairperson must obtain proper consent forms.
HIGH HONORS BREAKFAST: Chair/committee sets up the tables the night before with tablecloths in the media center. Orders bagels/popums/orange juice. Makes sure there are enough supplies; paper plates, napkins, forks and knives.
PARENTS NIGHT OUT: More info coming soon.
POOL PARTY 5th - 8TH GRADE: Chair/committee books the pool date with Rec Dept; sends out permission slips; organizes food, water, Rita's Ice; Books a DJ.
PRETZEL SALE: More info coming soon.
RAFFLE: Drawings 2 or 3 times a year. Chairs fill out permit, collect money, work closely with the Vice-President and organize volunteers list.
SCHOOL PICTURES: Chair arranges for Photographer for the class pictures, including photo date, photo retake date. All money is collected online via Photographer's website.
STUDENT/FACULTY SPIRIT CHALLENGE: 7th & 8th grade Students vs. Teachers in a Volleyball or Basketball challenge. Chair/committee organizes donation of water, candy and chips for purchase at that snack table.
TREP$: TREP$, short for enTREPreneur$, is a project-based learning program that teaches kids in grades 5-8 how to start their own businesses. They learn the lessons at after school workshops, and apply them at home as they build their businesses with the support of their families. The whole school community comes out to enjoy the TREP$ Marketplace, held right at the school, where the young entrepreneurs launch their businesses together. Teachers help run the meetings with the students. Chair/committee will oversee the program, book dates, print program and schedule meetings.